We grow more in love with God
when we serve others.

God has gifted each believer with spiritual gifts. Those gifts are not simply for our benefit, but are for the influence and benefit of others. We are uniquely gifted to help show people the way to go. The Bible describes us as people of the Way. As a part of the Waymaker Team, you have a unique opportunity to allow God to use you to make a way for others to come to God through your spiritual gifts.
Below you can learn more about areas where you can serve at Crossroads to best utilize your gifts.
Greeting Team
Greeters function in all areas of Crossroads focusing on making all guests feel welcome. This group of way makers are a versatile group who feel comfortable engaging in conversation, notice details about people, and are keen at remembering faces.
Church-Wide Support Team
Crossroads support team is the reason everything seems to be in its place. They encompass all of the behind the scenes prepping that takes place to make each service excellent. These way makers assist in a wide range of tasks from getting small group materials together, to prepping communion, to cleaning the building and helping with repairs as their abilities allow.
Administrative Team
The uniquely gifted members of this team are detail orientated and proficient in general administrative duties like managing spreadsheets, making calls and mailing cards. Admins are the reason we are able to remember, process and plan effectively.
Safety Team
As a society we value knowing we are safe, and this team is the reason we can all rest at ease. The Safety Team, through professional experience and onsite trainings, ensures all areas are properly supervised and ready for emergencies.
Café 10:10 has been around since 2011. It is run solely by way makers with all profits going directly to the mission field. This is a fast-paced, professional environment where specific guidelines must be adhered to. If you have a passion for cooking, customer service or crafting the perfect latte under pressure, this is an area worth exploring.
Our Worship Team is responsible for leading people to a life-changing encounter with God through Spirit-led worship. In addition to prioritizing personal holiness, they pursue excellence with regard to their specific vocal and musical talents. (Auditions required)
Lights, Camera, Action! Our Production team manages all the details happening on and off stage, in multiple environments, to ensure the vision God has given our communicators is achieved. They follow directions well and give keen attention to detail.
Social Media
Instagram and Facebook is where our audience engages the most. This team has engagement with that audience and gaining new followers on the forefront of their minds. Concepts, idea, posts, photos, stories, all the above make our social media team one to take our guest and user experience to the next level.
Design / Creative
When it comes to new ideas and making them happen, this team sees things differently. They participate in creative planning sessions, assist in crafting set designs, and keep our facility feeling relevant and comfortable. Although some members excel at construction projects, a team effort is required to execute the overall vision.
So many powerful moments happen at each Crossroads campus every single week. Our photography team captures these moments so that we can vividly tell the story of how God is changing lives here each weekend.
These individuals present the word of God in various ways. They are gifted in both verbal and nonverbal communication, carefully conveying the message God has given them. Although most communication is done directly through spoken messages, we also utilize acting, storytelling and online platforms.
Small-Group Leader
Small group leaders build disciples. They are the ones that pour their lives into individuals, facilitating their relationships with God and with one another.
In Matthew 28:19 God commands us to “go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.” And so, we challenge all of our way makers to be involved in at least one outreach opportunity a year, whether near or far.
Special Needs
No one gets left behind in the Kingdom of God. We value everyone and have built a team of leaders to ensure that individuals with special needs and their parents/caregivers experience God.
Spiritual Growth and Development
For individuals that have surrendered their lives to Christ, we have a group of mature believers leading them through their next steps. These people have a firm foundation and strong faith with a desire to help others learn what it means to follow Jesus. This goal is achieved through Bible teaching, prayer, and specific encouragement, as each person grows in their relationship with the Lord.
Care and Benevolence
When unexpected trials arise, we get to show Christ’s love in very practical ways. Whether it is a hospital visit, a meal or a card and prayer, these way makers are equipped and gifted to be a source of God’s peace and comfort during hard times.