Birth thru 5th Grade
We believe the Bible is exciting, worship can be fun and loud, and good leaders always care.
Before kids head off to middle school, we want to make sure these four things stick…
- God knows me.
- Jesus loves me.
- The Holy Spirit leads me.
- I am a child of God.

Dedication Class
12:30 pm
Are you ready to dedicate your child? We believe dedicating your child is a covenant between the parents/guardians and God. We ask that you approach this dedication as a sacred and serious commitment. The Child Dedication Class will walk you through this important commitment to God and provide you with resources on how to raise your child to become a follower of Christ. Click the button below to register for the class.

Splash Class
12:30 pm
Splash Class is a baptism orientation for kids and their parents. This class is designed to help parents disciple their children and lead them in their decision about their next steps with Christ.
DISCLAIMER – As we search for qualified Waymakers to serve here, this ministry’s reach is currently limited.
City Friends exists to provide a gospel-centered, inclusive environment for individuals with specific needs. We not only want to serve these individuals but also partner with their families as they participate in the life of the church.
We want to help any child or student who faces unique challenges related to physical, mental, behavioral, medical or emotional needs. It is important to us that every child has the opportunity to hear the gospel and fully participate in the mission of Crossroads Church.
In most situations, we use a buddy system where an individual is matched with an adult who will provide one-on-one care in a classroom of peers. Buddies are provided during our 11am service.
What does a buddy do?
Buddies simply act as a helper. They help when necessary, to the degree necessary, according to the specific needs of each individual child. The primary goal of our buddies is to provide a warm, inviting, fun environment to all children as they learn about Jesus.

When you arrive at one of our check-in stations, you will use your phone number to check-in your child/children. Each child you check-in will receive a tag to be placed on their shirt. You will also receive a printed tag with the same number that’s on your child’s tag. You will need that tag to pick-up your child. Important note: You will not be able to pick up your child without this number so please plan to keep the number somewhere safe. Safety and security of the children in our care is our number one priority.
Your child will then be placed in a classroom-based upon their age and developmental stage. When you pick your child up, you will hand your security tag to the volunteer. Once they have confirmed that the numbers match, they will release your child to you.
It is our priority to care for your children to the best of our ability while they are in our care at Crossroads xKidz. In order to minimize the spread of any illness within our ministry and to ensure the health and safety of all children and volunteers, we have adopted the following policies and procedures.
Please note, we will NOT allow any children with symptoms of illness to attend a gathering in our kids environments. We want anyone who is not feeling well to stay home, rest up, and feel better! No child will be allowed to attend childcare if they have or have had in the past 24 hours any of the following:
- Fever within the past 24 hours (even low-grade)
- Vomiting or diarrhea
- Cold or flu
- Sore throat
- Ear infection
- Red or watery eye (any signs of pink eye: crusty, swollen or yellow drainage)
- Body Rash (other than diaper or eczema)
- Any contagious disease (i.e. chicken pox, mumps, measles etc.)
Stuffy and/or runny nose that is not clear
Our xKidz ministry uses the Wonder Ink Curriculum.
We are always looking for extra help in our xKidz ministry. If you are interested in volunteering, once you’ve completed LifeTrack, fill out the Waymaker interest form. At that point, we’d love to answer your questions and help set you up for further involvement with our xKidz ministry.
Is your child interested in taking their next step through baptism? Each month we offer a special class for parents and kids called Splash Class, which allows parents to know if their child is ready to take their next step. Also, we believe in making baptism an unforgettable experience in a child’s life, so we have created a special baptism event just for kids, called Kid’s Baptism Celebration. This event happens 2 times per year (Fall and Spring) and we highly encourage you and your child to attend a Splash Class before signing up for this kids baptism event.
We strive to provide excellence, safety, and fun in all of our environments. In every kids ministry, safety is a number one priority. To do this we perform background checks on all volunteers, and provide secure environments in every ministry area. Teachers are also trained twice a year on best child practices for working with your child. Our check-in and drop-off system (as mentioned earlier) is another safety precaution we make.
Parent/Child Dedication is a commitment for parents to raise their child in the ways of the Lord. During the Parent/Child Dedication, parents are provided the opportunity to make a public declaration to raise their children(ren) in a Christ-centered home and do all they can to lead their kids to know and believe the gospel. The church community is part of this celebration and is asked to commit to supporting and partnering with these parents in their calling. At Crossroads Church, we view dedication not as a statement of salvation for a child but rather a statement of how parents will raise their child(ren). While not a command of scripture, Parent/Child Dedication symbolizes a parent’s desire to obediently raise their child(ren) in the knowledge and instruction of the Lord.
Parents are required to complete an online registration form and attend a dedication class in the Fall and Spring so they can fully understand and understand the important role they play in the dedication.
Classrooms are set up according to developmental stage and age range.
If your child is above their age range developmentally, we will ask you if it is okay to move them up to the next age range. Otherwise, we have an annual church-wide Promotion Sunday when we move children up according to birthdate, age, and/or developmental skills.
Baby Dedication is where you, as parents, agree and commit to raising your child in a Christ-centered home. We offer baby dedication twice a year—once in the spring and once in the fall.
Appropriate advertising and reminders will take place when it’s time to sign your child up for the Dedication. Once you sign your child up, we will have an orientation class to go over the aspects of the big day. You are encouraged to invite family members to this event. Once the Baby Dedication is over, we will celebrate with a party in your child’s environment.
Tiffany Wilson is the xKidz Director at Crossroads. She can be reached by email.